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search and booking flow

A trip represents a travel, typically there are two trips for a round trip and a single one for a one-way. A trip consist of one or several Segments.


I make a trip from Paris to Brussels, it contains two Segments, Paris - Lille by Ouigo then Lille - Brussels by Flixbus.

This combination of Segments constitutes a trip.

"trips": {
"outboundTrip": {
"id": "1164994",
"uuid": "6c5685e2-4132-4025-b602-ed984ea7934f",
"origin": {
"id": 628,
"city": "Paris",
"country": "France",
"station": "Marne-la-Vallée Chessy Disneyland Paris"
"destination": {
"id": 1061,
"city": "Bruxelles",
"country": "Belgique",
"station": "Brussels, Brussels-North station"
"originOffset": "+0200",
"destinationOffset": "+0200",
"priceCents": 3299,
"feeCents": 600,
"paidPrice": 3299,
"departureUTC": 1662722580,
"arrivalUTC": 1662739200,
"durationMinutes": 277,
"companies": ["OUIGO Grande vitesse", "Flixbus"],
"segments": [
"id": "1764044",
"company": "OUIGO Grande vitesse",
"mean": "train",
"origin": {
"city": "Paris",
"country": "France",
"station": "Marne-la-Vallée Chessy Disneyland Paris",
"lat": 48.8566,
"long": 2.3515
"destination": {
"city": "Lille",
"country": "France",
"station": "Lille Flandres",
"lat": 50.638756,
"long": 3.076675
"isBookable": true,
"priceCents": 1700,
"feeCents": 100,
"includedProviderFeeCents": 0,
"departureUTC": 1662722580,
"arrivalUTC": 1662726840,
"originOffset": "+0200",
"destinationOffset": "+0200",
"durationMinutes": 71,
"redirectionLink": "/redirect?company=13&origin=PT1&destination=AD1&date=2022-09-09&passengers=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22A%22%2C%22disability_type%22%3A%22NH%22%7D%5D&env=production"
"id": "1764045",
"company": "Flixbus",
"mean": "bus",
"origin": {
"city": "Lille",
"country": "France",
"station": "Lille",
"lat": 50.638756,
"long": 3.076675
"destination": {
"city": "Bruxelles",
"country": "Belgique",
"station": "Brussels, Brussels-North station",
"lat": 50.834999,
"long": 4.33264
"isBookable": true,
"priceCents": 999,
"feeCents": 0,
"includedProviderFeeCents": 0,
"departureUTC": 1662733200,
"arrivalUTC": 1662739200,
"originOffset": "+0200",
"destinationOffset": "+0200",
"durationMinutes": 100,
"redirectionLink": "/redirect?company=5&origin=2215&destination=1785&date=09.09.2022&passengers=%7B%22adult%22%3A1%2C%22children%22%3A0%7D&env=production"
"mean": "MULTIMODAL",
"co2g": 3493



A Segment is a subpart of a Trip. It has an origin (city and station), a destination (city and station), a price, a date, hours.


A train that leaves Paris Gare De Lyon at 5:37 pm on september 8, 2022 and arrives in Marseille St Charles at 8:57 pm on september 8, 2022 for 79€ is a Segment. Indeed we have a city (Paris), a station (Paris Gare De Lyon), a date (september 8, 2022), a time (5:37 pm and 8:57 pm) and a price (79€).

"segments": [
"id": "1764020",
"company": "Sncf Connect",
"mean": "train",
"origin": {
"city": "Paris",
"country": "France",
"station": "Paris Gare De Lyon",
"lat": 45.3819,
"long": 6.72121
"destination": {
"city": "Marseille",
"country": "France",
"station": "Marseilles St Charles",
"lat": 45.4852,
"long": 6.5291
"isBookable": true,
"priceCents": 7900,
"feeCents": 0,
"departureUTC": 1662651420,
"arrivalUTC": 1662663420,
"durationMinutes": 200



A stopGroup is a set of stations. In "real world" semantics, a stopGroup matches a physical station, or several kinds of stations in the same real world location.


A stopGroup "Paris Bercy" has two stations being the "train station" and the "bus station", but in practice, the user only wants to know about "Paris Bercy" as a transportation hub. Thus, we group them under a single entity named stopGroup. A stopGroup looks like g|FRpariberc@u09ty4.

"id": "g|FRpariberc@u09ty4",
"name": "Paris Bercy ",
"city": "Paris",
"region": "Île-de-France",
"country": "FR",
"latitude": 48.8393,
"longitude": 2.3829,
"transportTypes": ["bus", "train"]



A stopCluster is a collection of stopGroups. It corresponds to a user intent. It is often illustrated by a city, but it can be anything the user is supposed to be looking for. A stop cluster looks like c|FRparis___@u09tv.


"Paris" and "Disneyland Paris" are stopClusters.

"id": "c|FRparis___@u09tv",
"name": "Paris",
"city": "Paris",
"region": "Île-de-France",
"country": "FR",
"latitude": 48.8566,
"longitude": 2.3515

Place ID


The name of a stopCluster or a stopGroup is not unique. For example, there are several "Paris" in the world. To avoid ambiguity, we use a unique identifier for each place. It is called a place ID.



The place ID is made of:

  • Stop type: c| or g|
  • Country code: FR
  • Place name in 8 characters: paris___
  • Geohash: @u9tv